Responsible Research and Innovation Approach for Transitioning the Traditional Industry Regions into Digitalised Industry Territories (DigiTeRRi)
The project develops a framework for the responsible transition of traditional industry regions into digitalized industry R&I ecosystems. The elaboration of this framework is performed together with the impacted industries, the influential territorial authorities, and the affected citizens. The creation of strategies and a concept is conducted for implementing resilient R&I ecosystems for digitalized industries in traditional industry territories. Resilient R&I ecosystems require considering a high degree of openness, democratic accountability, and responsiveness to the needs of the addressed industries and society in the considered regions.
Funding information
Responsible Research and Innovation Approach for Transitioning the Traditional Industry Regions into Digitalised Industry Territories (DigiTeRRi)
Facts in brief

Funding organization

EC / H2020 – SWAFS


January 2020 – Dec 2023

Funding amount



Austrian Institute of Technology GMBH (AIT)
Digiterri PARTNERS
Wedo’s role in Digiterri
Support to project management
Leaders of the Dissemination & Exploitation WP
Print and digital communication
Deliverables and dissemination documents
Online communication
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